the subject of this blog has been simmering in my mind for days, but finding the time and energy to write, especially when your head's over the toilet thanks to a stomach virus, is not always easy. but i digress.
what's not beautiful is when well-meaning people, normally (and sadly) Christians, give generously from their hearts and then allow those same hearts to judge the receivers of their gifts. i've seen it all too many times and heard it come up in numerous discussions with fellow missionaries over the years who are afraid to getaway for a weekend or to buy something they need for their home because they're worried that some of their supporters will think they have spent their money unwisely. i've experienced it, too. and we're experiencing it now. it hurts my heart.
the sad truth is that we often give a gift in order to bless someone and then want to control or judge how that gift is used. and in doing so, we end up turning the blessing into a burden. i haven't yet posted pictures on facebook of beautiful suffolk, england that brought fresh air to my soul because i'm afraid that some of the amazing people who have so generously blessed us financially since levi's death will think that we're wasting money. and just writing that hurts my spirit. first of all, because i've never really worried what people think about me, and secondly because i know deep in my heart that the people who have blessed us have done it out of the goodness of their own hearts. but somewhere along the way, the blessing does become a burden when we don't freely give.
when God gave us his one and only Son Jesus to die for us on the cross, he did it freely, not with lots of attachments. he didn't ever say that he's provide Jesus as a propitiation for our sins if we did ______ or ________. and if we look all the way back into the old testament, the LORD says in deuteronomy 15:
7 “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, 8 but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. 9 Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. 10 You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. 11 For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’ (ESV, bold text added.)
if we examine verse 10, we see two key elements: when we give freely and bless others, we're blessed in return, giving us the corollary that when we don't give freely, we're not blessed in return. similar verses can even be found in proverbs 11.24-25: 24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. 25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. (ESV)
and oh, how well i know these things to be true! because so many of you have so freely given to and blessed andreas and me, we have been able to bless others, and it's truly beautiful and humbling to see the body of Christ at work like that. but as soon as our giving, whenever or however it's done, comes with strings attached, the blessing becomes a burden, and the giving is no longer a gift.
there are homeless people all over stockholm, and i have to walk by them on a daily basis. there's a constant discussion going on in the media about how to treat them, who's truly homeless and who's not, who's working for a pimp, or who's just endured a really horrible season of life. but i'm most likely never going to know most of their stories or whether or not any money i give them will be used to buy liquor, food or clothes. so what do i do? i pray. i pray everytime i see these broken down and battered souls. i pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to me when he wants me to bless one of them in some way or another...and he does. one time, the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me and told me to give 100 kronor (about $13) to a homeless lady sitting across from me on the tube. i argued back and forth with him (in my head, of course; i'm not THAT crazy ;)) that i did not have any cash in my wallet, much less 100 kronor. after 30 odd seconds of this annoying conversation, i opened my wallet to prove to God that it was empty, when, lo and behold, there was a 100 kronor note. i laughed aloud, smiled, and shook my head. funny, God, funny. the woman started to get up and exit the tube, so i chased after her to give her the money. she smiled at me and said that she'd been wondering where she was going to get her next meal to eat. my heart broke for her, so i invited her up the hill with me to New Life Church and said that she could have fika (coffee & a cinnamon bun) for free :)! she didn't come with me, but she was very thankful and went on her way. did she use that money to buy booze or food? i'll never know, but i do know that i was obedient to the Lord and that that's all that matters. what she did with that money is between her and God. it no longer belonged to me.
i have quite a few similar stories in my life, and i know that my mom does as well. she raised me to love and give freely, and for that, i am so very grateful. i just believe that when we give, especially when the Lord places it on our hearts to do so, we have to do it freely. otherwise, the gift is robbed of its goodness and purity. i have to trust that God knows the person in need's needs better than i do. i have to trust that the person i want to bless who loves Jesus but who is struggling and needs my help is going to do the right thing with the blessing i give to him or her. i may not understand why he or she spends the money i've given him or her or may even think that i would have most certainly spent the money more wisely or differently, but it's honestly none of my business. maybe a cone of ice cream and a good cup of coffee could take her to her happy place, while, from the outside looking in, i think she'd have been much smarter to buy some milk and cereal. but the gift was hers, not mine.
when you give, let go. give freely and with a large helping of grace, and leave the rest in God's hands. he knows so much better than we do who needs to be blessed and why. he is good. omniscient. omnipotent. faithful. loving. gracious. he freely gave us Jesus.
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